Executive Committee 


Christina Doherty
FCA Corp.
Houston, TX

Vice President

Michael G. Polis
Wilke Fleury LLP
Sacramento, CA


Kaitlyn Loughner
Frost Law
Rockville, MD


Dan Rahill
Wintrust Wealth Management
Chicago, IL


Richard Chisholm
WardChisholm, LLP
Bethesda, MD

Immediate Past President

Daniel S. Rosefelt
Daniel Rosefelt &
Associates LLC
Bethesda, MD

Past President

William LeVay
FCA Corp.
Houston, TX


Anthony "Tony" Box
Gray Reed
Dallas, TX




Board of Directors

John C. Akard (Past President)
Patrick J. Alandt (Past President)
Richard J. Alphonso (Past President)
Robert L. Baranov (Past President)
Basil L. Bain (Designated State Representative)
William H. Behrenfeld (Past President)
Patricia Rusch Bellucci (Attendance)
David M. Berger (Past President)
Richard A. Berger (Past President)
Howard O. Bernstein (Past President)
Joseph L. Brotherton (Past President)
Joseph E. Cordell (Past President)
E. Martin Davidoff (Past President)
David S. De Jong (Past President)
Christina Scharar Doherty (Current Officer)
Robert S. Driegert (Past President)
Bernard Eizen (Past President)
Shimon B. Feldman (Director-At-Large)
Jay G. Foonberg (Past President)
Michele B. Friend (Past President)
Kenneth D. Goodman (Past President)
Deron R. Harrington (Past President)
Phillip A. Kass (Director-At-Large)
Jo Ann M. Koontz (Past President)
B. Knight Lancaster (Director-At-Large)
Judson C. Leibee (Designated State Representative)

William B. LeVay (Past President)
Kaitlyn Loughner (Current Officer)
Thomas W. McCulloch (Past President)
Michael H. Murray (Designated State Representative)
William R. Noll (Designated State Representative)
Howard A. Port (Attendance)
Michael Polis (Current Officer)
John W. Pramberg (Past President)
Daniel F. Rahill (Current Officer)
James J. Rigos (Director-At-Large)
Eric J. Rollinger (Past President)
Daniel S. Rosefelt (Past President)

Patricia Rusch Bellucci (Attendance)
C. Murray Saylor (Past President)
Robert W. Scharar (Past President)
Ryan E. Scharar (Director-At-Large)
R. Stephen Scott (Past President)
David W. Slavitt (Past President)
Katherine L. Taylor (Designated State Representative)
David B. Torchinsky (Past President)
Anthony J. Tucci (Designated State Representative)
Judith B. Vorndran (Designated State Representative)
R. Leonard Weiner (Past President)
Matthew Wildes (Attendance)
Walter C. Youngman Jr. (Past President)


Past Presidents

2024 Daniel Rosefelt (FL)
2023 Deron Harrington (TX)
2022 Michele Friend (CA)
2021 Howard O. Bernstein (CO)
2020 William B. LeVay (TX)
2019 Jo Ann M. Koontz (FL)
2018 Eric J. Rollinger (MD)
2017 David M. Berger (CA)
2016 John W. Pramberg (MA)
2015 Joseph E. Cordell (MO)
2014 Domenick R. Lioce (FL)
2013 Robert S. Driegert (TX)
2012 David B. Torchinsky (MD)
2011 John C. Akard (TX)
2010 Patti M. Richards (GA)
2009 E. Martin Davidoff (NJ)
2008 Kenneth D. Goodman (FL)
2007 Cynthia M. Strouss (WA)
2006 R. Stephen Scott (IL)
2005 Bernard Eizen (PA)
2004 David S. De Jong (MD)
2003 C. Murray Saylor, Jr. (GA)
2002 Richard J. Alphonso (TX)
2001 Mitchell J. Rabil (NJ)
2000 Allen D. Webster (VT)
1999 William G. Nolen (TX)
1998 Morris A. Kaplan (AZ)
1997 Walter C. Youngman, Jr. (CA)
1996 Gerald Levy (FL)
1995 Thomas W. McCulloch (TX)
1994 Robert L. Baranov (CA)

1993 Arthur H. Singer (NV)
1992 David Ostrove (CA)
1991 Robert P. McBain (MI)
1990 Joseph L. Brotherton (WA)
1989 Sydney S. Traum (FL)
1988 Robert W. Scharar (TX)
1987 Martin J. Kurzer (FL)
1986 Patrick J. Alandt (MI)
1985 Alexander Gurevitch (NY)
1984 R. Leonard Weiner (TX)
1983 Byron Jen Lee (CA)
1982 William H. Behrenfeld (FL)
1981 Richard A. Berger (CA)
1980 Elmer J. Whiting, Jr. (OH)
1979 Arnold W. Magasinn (CA)
1978 Clarence J. Alandt (MI)
1977 Edward Newman (NY)
1976 Alvin M. Kurtzman (CA)
1975 John J. McQueen (OK)
1974 George R. Donnell (TX)
1973 Richard M. Orin (NY)
1972 Richard M. Levin (CA)
1971 Samuel Laderman (OH)
1970 Jay G. Foonberg (CA)
1969 Morris W. Primoff (NY)
1968 Burton S. Rosky (CA)
1967 Elwynn J. Miller (MA)
1966 Philip D. Brent (NY)
1965 David W. Slavitt (CA)


Carol Montoya
Executive Director
[email protected]

Lindsey Rogers
Association Executive
[email protected]

General Information
Please send an email to [email protected]